Dear Readers,
Seeking your input! In addition to the tours I’ve already announced to Myanmar to help save traditional cultural arts from extinction in January and to Chile and Easter Island for the total solar eclipse in June/July, I am also planning to lead a photography tour in the fall of 2019. Where in the world would you like to go? As with all of my photo tours, participants will learn via informal workshops held every couple of days as well as by shooting alongside me in the field. My photo tours feature small group sizes for photographers at any level from beginner through semi-professional. These tours cover all aspects of travel photography from shot planning to capture technique, and on to post-processing and image sharing, with an emphasis on learning to use the camera as a bridge to enhanced understanding of the land and people we visit.
Please share your thoughts about where you’d like to travel on a photography tour next fall via a comment on this blog post or via email to me ( Thank you for your input!